Compromesos amb la teva seguretat

A Ilerda Control som experts en controladors d'accés i auxiliars de serveis, dedicats al benestar de les persones i la protecció integral del seu entorn.



Experts en Benestar

Treballs d'èxit

Excel lent servei i atenció, em sento segur amb els controladors daccés de Ilerda Control.

Juan Pérez

A close-up of a sturdy silver padlock securing a bright turquoise-painted door with a thick, rusted chain. The metal lock has a reflective surface, and the bolt is fastened tightly to ensure security.
A close-up of a sturdy silver padlock securing a bright turquoise-painted door with a thick, rusted chain. The metal lock has a reflective surface, and the bolt is fastened tightly to ensure security.
people gathering in event during night time
people gathering in event during night time


Galeria de Controladors de Seguretat

Mostra dels nostres sistemes de control i benestar a Control d'Accessos i Auxiliars de Serveis.

A security guard is seen wearing a fluorescent vest and cap, leaning against a turnstile gate. The setting appears to be in an indoor or enclosed area with a metal grid structure in the foreground. Other people are partially visible in the background, engaged in different activities.
A security guard is seen wearing a fluorescent vest and cap, leaning against a turnstile gate. The setting appears to be in an indoor or enclosed area with a metal grid structure in the foreground. Other people are partially visible in the background, engaged in different activities.
A metal gate with vertical bars and decorative elements is secured with a padlock. The gate is a light beige color and is attached to a white wall. In the background, there is a blurred view of what appears to be a shadowed interior space with some indistinct objects.
A metal gate with vertical bars and decorative elements is secured with a padlock. The gate is a light beige color and is attached to a white wall. In the background, there is a blurred view of what appears to be a shadowed interior space with some indistinct objects.